Tech Tips

Best Practices for Video Conferencing
Published on
April 15, 2020

In the midst of a global pandemic, you might be trading in your days at the office for working remotely. This means relying more heavily on video conferencing platforms to conduct meetings, stay in touch with co-workers, and run your business. These platforms introduce risks and challenges, especially for unfamiliar users.

CMA wants to make sure that, even during uncertain times, you have all necessary information to stay safe and secure while hosting your meetings, so we're providing you with a list of best practices that you can implement on three common platforms.

Lock Your Meeting

Whether you're using WebEx, Zoom, or GoToMeeting, you can lock your meeting to prevent unauthorized users from joining. If you're using WebEx, setting your meeting to auto-lock at '0 minutes' will lock your meeting as soon as you join and begin placing users in a lobby, allowing them to enter only with your approval.

Password Protect Your Meeting

Password protecting your meeting allows for an extra level of security while video conferencing. It requires attendees to provide a password, provided to them by you, before being able to enter.

Remove Unknown Participants

All three common video conferencing platforms listed in the infographic above allow you to manually remove or expel unknown participants if they join your meeting.

Use Entry and Exit Tone

If your platform of choice is WebEx, ensure that you are using 'Entry and Exit Tone' or the 'Announce Name' feature. This will reduce the chances that an unauthorized user has joined your meeting without your knowledge.

Create an Audio Pin

WebEx also allows you to create an 'Audio Pin' for your account. This helps to prevent unauthorized users from gaining access to your account and starting or joining meetings under your name.

Use Waiting Rooms

Similar to the 'Lock' function, Zoom also allows you to enable a 'Waiting Room' function for your meeting. It places all guests into a waiting room before they can join the meeting. From the waiting room, you can manually approve or dismiss users individually.

Remember to always update these applications when available across all platforms to ensure that they are protected against vulnerabilities and that you have access to the latest features.

Implementing the best practices listed above when using WebEx, Zoom, GoToMeeting, or any other video conferencing platform can help assure that your meetings are safe and secure.

For further information or technical details on where to find the necessary settings for WebEx, Zoom or GoToMeeting, check out:

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