Case Studies

Hosting with Real Vision Software
Published on
June 12, 2019
Digital Assets for a Digital World

The world of business is becoming digital. We work out of our email inboxes, build Excel spreadsheets, and create virtual mountains of digital documents. But what about the world that still involves paper? Hand-filled forms, faxes, photos, and other paper files are critical to the operations of many businesses. With the ever increasing amount of data and the need to digitize everything from medical records to business receipts, what can an organization do to process and store their digital assets?

IBM Power Systems and Real Vision

Your digital assets need to be processed and stored so that they’re safe and accessible. Document imaging solutions like Real Vision Software helps organizations do just this. Real Vision is a document imaging software that runs off of IBM Power Systems. CMA partners with them for document hosting—and not just because they’re based in Louisiana. They have over 1000 customers around the world who trust their solutions. Even companies with strict compliance regulations rely on them to ensure security and encryption.

Real Vision provides services to organizations from architecture firms and real estate agencies to law firms and police stations. Hosting is a big part of the document imaging world. This allows our customers to utilize the computing power of IBM Power Systems without the investment in new hardware. This is especially important when they need a powerful document imaging solution, but don’t need to leverage that kind of advanced server technology.

Data Hosting Advantages of the Cloud

Many organizations don’t want to worry about storing or hosting their document data. They also don’t want to deal with the licensing costs or maintenance of complex hardware. When they need to access a file, it’s in the Real Vision’s System i Cloud, which keeps data backed up and secure.

Disaster Recovery

As your company’s day-to-day operations become more data intensive, the more important it is to make sure your data is secure and accessible. When selecting a document imaging and hosting solution, make sure you inquire about their disaster recovery plan. Real Vision’s disaster recovery center in Salt Lake City helps give our clients peace of mind. They know that should anything happen in Louisiana, the data is backed up in Salt Lake City.

Cost Considerations

Keeping your data secure and backed up comes at a price, and it’s important for business owners to know what exactly what they’re getting for that price. With Real Vision’s Cloud Solutions companies have the ability to have their data accessed by an unlimited amount of users with no additional fees. All they pay is their monthly pricing for items including software, a server, and storage starting at 100 GB.

Companies can pay as they grow and upgrade their storage as they need it. Our customers love that this is a complete solution with scanning, workflow, viewing, and even mobile device accessibility—24/7, from anywhere with internet access. They’re also able to audit and track every document, which is a big feature for organizations that need to adhere to compliance regulations.

Time for a Document Imaging and Hosting Change?

We know that many document imaging solutions just haven’t kept pace with changing technology. Many are aged and don’t fully address today’s data-heavy business requirements. We love how the team at Real Vision has been changing and adapting with the times since they started developing their solution in 1988. They’ve been using IBM technologies to help power their on-demand applications since 1992.

You can view a few of their success stories here. You can also contact us for a no-cost proof of concept call by filling out our contact us form and mentioning document imaging and hosting in the subject line.

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